OUCH it stung me! Miley was stung by a bee the other day. How sad it that? I haven't even ever been stung by a bee. (Knock on wood) At least we know she isn't allergic. That would be really bad.
Miles and I were married in 2006. We have one beautiful baby girl....Miley. She is the most wonderful blessing in the world. We couldn't ask for a more perfect, happy, fun, loving baby. I'm also a step mom to two other wonderful kids, Michelle and Michael. We love them all very much. We are both employeed at Clark's Market. We love to shop, watch movies, play with Miley, hang out with family and just take it easy.
I couldn't believe that when mom told me!
ReplyDeleteMiley was just bringing you a bumble bee, because she thought you were going to be proud of her! Just like the song says!