Friday, April 3, 2009

9 month baby well check up

Today we took Miley for her 9 month baby well check up. She is heathly as can be. The doctor referred to her as a perfect baby. Yes, she is a perfect baby! We love her so much! She was lucky that she didn't have to get any shots this visit, but she was still scared. She was having fun in the waiting room, asking what everything was. But once we went into the room and had her weighted she wasn't too sure what was going on and cried a little.

At 9 months, 2 weeks and 3 days old Miley weights 20 lbs. and is 27 1/2 inches long.

1 comment:

  1. YAY MILEY!!!

    She is a perfect baby. She is always so good whenever I am around. So I am actually having a hard time imagining her crying a little when they wanted to weigh her. Now Crew on the other hand...WOWZERS, he sometimes wears his fussy pants!

    20 lbs!!! Her and Crew should sumo wrestle with their chubby selves!
